Disaster Recovery Journal – Fall 2016
23 november 2016DDoS maskeert steeds vaker andere aanvallen
28 november 2016BCI Workplace Recovery Report 2016
The BCI recently published its first Workplace Recovery Report, a report that aims to benchmark workplace recovery arrangements among organizations worldwide, and seeks to understand the ‘human factor’ behind workplace recovery as well as any underlying attitudes that may influence its implementation.
The report highlighted a clear disconnect between business continuity professionals and end users with only 12% of business continuity experts confirming their organization lacked a workplace recovery arrangement, while 31% of end users claimed their employers don’t have any arrangements in place, or they are unaware of what they are.
Furthermore, the report noted that even organizations with workplace recovery arrangements in place face risk and uncertainty when it comes to actual recovery plan implementation. One of every five experts feel uncomfortable that their organization’s employees will execute their work area recovery solution as planned, while 17% of end users are not comfortable they can carry on services in the case of an area-wide event.
Download your FREE copy of the Workplace Recovery Report here: http://www.thebci.org/index.php/workplace-recovery-2016